"I am ashamed to admit that I haven't seen Oldboy. It's on my to-see-soon list, and it will probably go up then! Point Blank? You mean the Keanu Reeves movie? What vengeance is served there?"

"Loved it! But I'm pretty sure I don't want to know what other "art" you found while looking for a list called "Hand job!""

"Just putting this out there...because they are an evil animal to begin with? Love the list though!"

"Thanks Rummywench! Quinn. I'm pretty sure that girls are attracted to jerks in the same way guys are attracted to vapid shallow morons with large breasts. It's hopeless. I did like Joseph from"

"Once again, you've summed up something that needed it badly. Thanks for including me!"

"What!?!? Robert Pattinson as Bender?! That is a modern day sin right there! He can play shy and awkward like there's no tomorrow, but an abused, overcompensating rebel? Never! Still get the vote. "

"A little bit too much Pattinson in there for me, but I did love the Jasper/Alice moment, and you got almost every single perfect moment of Pride and Prejudice. That alone deserves the vote!"

"I'm pretty sure that's not Liam Neeson in that photo. Nice list though. Love a man who knows how to ride."

"Oh, I do love so many of the revenges in Law Abiding citizen. This list is definitely still in progress. I am so much more vengeful than only 8 items. Thanks for the suggestions though!"

"By the way...loved the invention of the verb "avada kedavred.""

"Can I hate you and love you for this one? You get my vote either way!"

"1. Steven Spielberg 2. Christopher Nolan 3. Danny Boyle 4. Roman Polanski 5. Martin Scorsese 6. Paul Thomas Anderson 7. Terry Gilliam 8. Clint Eastwood 9. Hayao Miyazaki 10. Ridley Scott"

"Lets be honest. I'd give you the vote for the name alone, but I happen to like the list as well."

"I enjoyed this one! I like how you change it when you find someone that would better suit the role instead of just sticking with particular people that you may like from one movie. Looking forward t"

"It's been a while since I've seen that. Beside the obvious mental problems going on, what tragedy did he have in his past?"

"I think maybe The Last Airbender is an even better example of how far Shymalan has fallen. He at least tried to create a twist in The Happening...even if it didn't really turn out."

"Wow...Chaplin was practically a pedophile. Who knew?"

"Holding out for some more moments, but the title definitely caught me!"

"Anyone who can look past Johnny Depp and notice soemthing that he's carrying in his hands deserves a vote for will power alone!"

"Nice. I added a couple I hadn't heard of to my to watch list. Just so you know, Groundhog's Day is February 2, so technically Winter and not Fall."

"Abhi, I got five minutes into that one before I turned it off in disgust. I suppose now I'll have to watch it to find the movie inside the movie. :( Pan's Labyrynth's "real" world isn't quite dev"

"Oops. I guess that pretty much reveals why I really like him. He's so pretty!"

"Hey...if it gets me Johnny Depp in any form, I'll take Edward Scissorhands!"