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I reject your reality and substitute my own...but when that doesn't work, I'll substitute anyone else's I feel like. Fantasy's easy to come by these days.


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1,001 books that I've read before I die... (189 items)
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Reasons why men in books are better! (10 items)
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Taken review

Posted : 14 years ago on 19 February 2011 09:52 (A review of Taken)

AAAAAUUUUGGGGHHH! How could Liam Neeson agree to something so fricking terrible?!?!?!

Let's try to completely ignore the fact that, once again, they speak English without any communication problems all over the world. We'll even ignore the fact that at one point, he is IN FRANCE belittling Albanians for being immigrants...in ENGLISH!

How about the rest of the plot. Dad saves girl after 72 hours of capture into a sex slave ring where her friend has died of an overdose, and the daughter is still miraculously a virgin, who requires no therapy whatsoever because apparently, they must have only drugged her friend, right?

How, exactly does the dad get on a plane and enter into the United States after killing more that a dozen men and having to escape from the French police so many damn times? Did anyone ask themselves that?

This movie was laughable. Countless times, after listening to his threatening soliloquies, I really wanted to be a voice over for one of the characters that said something like "I'm an Albanian in France...I don't SPEAK ENGLISH! If you want me to be afraid, LEARN FRENCH OR ALBANIAN!

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The Last Airbender review

Posted : 14 years, 1 month ago on 3 February 2011 04:35 (A review of The Last Airbender)

A child prohesied to save the world by using the ability to bend all four basic elements and defeat the Fire Kingdom, who have taken advantage of a hundred year lull in law enforcement activity to pull a corporate takeover of the rest of the world. Now if you can read that sentence all in one breath, you just may be the last airbender.

I love this story line and I love the animated series, and so I cannot rate this below five stars. Sadly though, this is another case of finding the worst child actor in existence and giving him a lead part. Less than halfway through, I was already hoping that one of the water bending exersizes would backfire and the Last Airbender would drown in his own stream!

The other two didn't deliver as much as they should have either, but I'm pretty sure that had something to do with the fact that the screen writers couldn't write their way out of a box.

Still, I have to allow for a bit of positivity. I actually enjoyed Dev Patel's performance as my favorite character in the animated series--prince Zuko. He's a little breath of fresh air...even without a script to back him up.

We shall say nothing of the director, as I would prefer not to follow the crowd of angry torches and pitchforks that began heading toward his front door around about the time the The Happening came out. Now, thanks to his dip into children's movies, it seems that there are little mini torches and toys r us pitchforks at the front of the mob!

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Dorian Gray review

Posted : 14 years, 1 month ago on 3 February 2011 01:34 (A review of Dorian Gray )

Oh, to be able to commit all of the seven deadlies over and over and over again without one thought toward the consequences. To be able to keep the beauty of youth forever. Would it be worth bargaining your soul? According to Mr. Gray, it would be...or at least placing his soul in a portrait that will take on all of the consequences of his actions and the destruction of age while he plummets into the deepest depths of debauchery.

That much of the plotline is based on the Oscar Wilde novel. Unfortunately, Parker seems to also have tried to delve into the dark mind of our protagonist just as well as Wilde does in the novel...with some unsuccessful results. While Ben Barnes is certainly attractive enough to pass as a period piece hearthrob, I just wasn't drawn to any other aspect of his character.

I expected a spark in the eyes of a young naive boy--enough of a spark to make an artist fall in love with him and put himself into a painting! I didn't get it. I expected a man so totally absorbed inside himself and his pleasure that nothing around him mattered. What I got instead were corny slow motion flashes of orgies. I expected the torture of the years of greif that haunted him to show in the actors face, and instead, I was given a lot of shots of Barnes trying on different supermodel faces. I just couldn't feel for this character at all.

All in all, I'm giving it 5 stars for being originally from Oscar Wilde, and for showing us some literature on the big screen, but I'm also going to suggest that Mr. Barnes sticks to making the films that don't require deep thought...keep that pretty face free from wrinkles.

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No Country for Old Men (2007) review

Posted : 14 years, 10 months ago on 20 April 2010 07:16 (A review of No Country for Old Men (2007))

I initially gave this film only six stars. The calm, cold bloodedness of Javier Bardem's character made me change it to eight. Anton Chigurh stepped roughly from the pages of Cormac McCarthy's novel, slid into film, and suddenly created some competition in the creepiest villain category. Dr. Lector, watch your back. I know someone who may be coming at it with a compressed air gun.

However, while Bardems performance was...interesting, I found everything else in the movie to be the kind of boring that sucks your soul out through your eyes. I found myself checking my watch every five minutes...and then every two. Then, of course, after waiting WAY too long for an ending, I was left with (drum roll please) Tommy Lee Jones telling us about a fricking DREAM. This movie was saved by the bad guy. They should be thanking him...from a distance.

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Legend of the Seeker review

Posted : 14 years, 10 months ago on 20 April 2010 07:13 (A review of Legend of the Seeker)

Ill be the first to admit that I wasn't expecting much from this series after reading the first two books in the series and experiencing severe disappointment at the author's complete lack of skill. However, after just finishing the first season in a lock all doors don't answer the phone viewing frenzy, Im going to have to admit defeat. This is a wonderful series with tiny new plot threads being weaved every episode, and with the presence of magic, the possibilities are endless. The three main characters are great together, and though the fact that any opportunity the two lovers have to be together is foiled every time, the tension between them does not go past my low tolerance limits for will-they/wont-theys. There is an overabundance of chivalry and nobility included that wouldn't be believable in anything that takes place in the scheme of reality...and steps FAR away from the books, but in this case, I have to say THANK GOD!!! We need a little chivalry, and a writer that knows how to create the little details and reactions that the author isn't skilled enough to do. I'll definitely be watching the second season soon.

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Miracle at St. Anna review

Posted : 14 years, 10 months ago on 20 April 2010 07:05 (A review of Miracle at St. Anna)

How is it possible that in the middle of World War II--with the Americans fighting Nazis, Italians fighting Nazis, Italians betraying Italians, and people killing villages full of innocents--that Spike Lee can find a way to make the only white American soldier in the whole movie the worst, most idiotic character in the whole film? This movie should have been so much better. The story that is behind it is a strong one, and the tragedy could have been felt so much more. What this movie needed was director who wanted to make a good film, and not carry out his own racist personal agenda. Too bad.

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300 review

Posted : 14 years, 10 months ago on 20 April 2010 07:01 (A review of 300)

Holy abs! If anything else, this film was motivating. I think I ran to the gym directly after watching this and pushed myself to the point of passing out. I'm going to say down with those who complain about the historical accuracy of this film. I'm pretty sure that with all of the monsters that they threw at us viewers from the side of Persia, I was considering this film more fantasy than historical by the time it was even a tenth of the way through. That doesn't mean I loved it any less. The soundtrack went perfectly with a bloody, heartpounding, primordial scream kind of battle that almost had me wishing I was Spartan for a while. The part that amazed me most...that Xerxes, ruler of the enemy hoards was that short little Brazilian guy who appeared in Lost for two episodes! How exactly do they make a monster out of him? Between him and the painted on abs on all of those Spartans, I've got to give this movie an eight for the make-up guys alone!

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Palo Alto, CA review

Posted : 14 years, 10 months ago on 20 April 2010 06:57 (A review of Palo Alto, CA)

Ladies and gentleman! Its the attack of the cancelled teen shows! Step right up to see the kid off of Boy Meets World team up with his little brother to get some action! Center stage is the two bad boys from Veronica Mars out to prove that theyre still bad boys! And dont miss Lil Miss Perfect from the O.C. trashing her notion of the perfect family in this one! The faces, I recognized, the plot was not the most original, but Im a sucker for a happy ending. It made me smile. I liked it!

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You Don't Mess with the Zohan review

Posted : 14 years, 10 months ago on 20 April 2010 06:56 (A review of You Don't Mess with the Zohan)

This film is what happens when you mix humor made for five year olds with soft core porn. The fact that the producers actually found an audience for this movie makes me lose faith in American intelligence. I have never been an enormous fan of Adam Sandler, but I have always been able to find some redeeming qualities...or at least one laughable scene in every one of his movies...until now! I give Zohan and his oversized member one star. If I could go lower, I probably would.

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Goal II: Living the Dream review

Posted : 14 years, 10 months ago on 20 April 2010 06:54 (A review of Goal II: Living the Dream)

This was a wonderful movie made for moderate football (soccer)fans. Raul, Casillas, Zidane, Ronaldo, Roberto Carlos, Beckham, Guti, Salgado...even Florentino himself made his appearance. I just cant imagine how they convinced them all to make this movie. They FAR outshine the story line, but that could just be because I'm a Real Madrid fan. There were only two things that were a bit off putting for me. One, of course, was the conflict the reality vs. movie that anyone might experience if they've grown up watching every Real Madrid game and idolizing Iker and Raul (like I did). The second is the laughable face off between Casillas and (I cant believe I'm even writing this one with a straight face) Nick Cannon...wow. Lost a couple stars for that and for the horrible way that they begin the movie. I almost didnt make it through the first Real vs. Barca scenes. Painful.

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8 years, 6 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Badass Central!! (42 movies items)

"Well, I just can't see Hellboy as a badass, but the others deserve a look. I'll update when I get the time!"

12 years, 3 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Seriously...where are all the men like these? (24 movies items)

"Yeah. I've definitely got to update with some more modern candidates...eventually. :)"

12 years, 3 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Seriously...where are all the men like these? (24 movies items)

"Wow, Lorenzo. Yeah it's a joke. Every one of my lists are. This is a social networking site. Don't worry about it so much! Obviously, if I have enough time to construct around 100 lists, I am far"

12 years, 3 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Seriously...where are all the men like these? (24 movies items)

"@ Gab. Yes, that's why he went to war in the film...for his cousin, but he got into the horse to save the girl. Awwww. @ Time Bomb. Thank you! It's good to know there are great ones out there!"

12 years, 4 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Don't hate me because I'm fiction! (29 movies items)

"@Plaguewielder...the post has always said "a lot." I don't cater to easily offended people. I keep my lists free of porn and everything else listed as offensive on this website. If you have a real "

12 years, 4 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Don't hate me because I'm fiction! (29 movies items)

"Well, I know I'm a bit late to this debate. I have gotten pretty busy, and am not able to check into this site that much. However, I would like to comment on this one a little. I'm not sure what "

12 years, 4 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
My ZOO (8 list items)

"Interesting idea! You need to expand this one!"

12 years, 7 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Typical Movie Arguments That Irk Me... (11 movies items)

"OK, I'll agree with most of them, but I'll also admit that when I give the "book was better" complaint, it is mostly to not so subtly encourage someone to get off their ass, turn off the TV, and read "

12 years, 11 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
(Warning: spoilers) more powerful in the book (7 person items)

"This should not just be limited to Harry Potter! Almost every great series or movie could have one of these lists. I'm just hoping that the Hunger Games isn't as different from the books as the last"

12 years, 11 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
10 most obnoxious, but crucial movie characters (10 movies items)

"Yeah, obnoxious is rather an understatement for all of these characters. These are the ones you wanted to end up in pain at the end of their movies! Good list though."

12 years, 11 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Around the world in 80 actors... (80 person items)

"Wow...because I don't have two actors you seem to have an erection over. This list is not about international films. This list is about actors that are famous IN THE USA that are from around the wor"

13 years, 2 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Top 10 Self-Destructive Child Actors (10 person items)

"Wait, you have one little drunk driving incident in here from the ghost kid and have omitted Lindsey Lohan completely? I'm pretty sure she should be near the top!"

13 years, 4 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Around the World in 80 actresses... (80 person items)

"There are just too many French ladies already on here. Even too many Swedish ones. I'm looking for ones now from countries where stars are less liekly to make it to Hollywood...but do!"

13 years, 6 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Dystopia at it's finest... (20 movies items)

"I'm afraid I haven't seen any of those except A Clockwork Orange. I've read Brave New World and agree entirely, but I didn't even know it was a movie! And if you don't get to see enough of society i"

13 years, 6 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Movies that make me want to.. (22 movies items)

"Once again, you've come up with another list I want to steal!"

13 years, 6 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
You wanna try this hairdo? (50 person items)

"Ha! I swear I thought Alice Gibb was Paul Bettany in a school marm wig! I get headaches if my hair's in a pony tail for too long, so I think I'll leave these hairstyles to models. Nice list though."

13 years, 6 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Tv shows for smart people (30 tv items)

"South Park and How I Met Your Mother? Really?"

13 years, 7 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Metamovies (tales told inside films) (16 movies items)

"Fried Green Tomatoes is a good one! I haven't seen Adaptation yet, but it's in my to watch queue...and seems like if it belongs in this list, it should probably be moved up!"

13 years, 7 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Get the Message! (53 person items)

"Could be the nerd in me, but I thought David Tennant's was the best one!"

13 years, 7 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Down the List With 30 People (by matchbox) (30 person items)

"Of all the thirty people lists, i have to say I agree with the most on this one! Nice."

13 years, 7 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Mejo ♥♫'s 30 People (30 person items)

"Hmmm...are you a fan of Supernatural? I couldn't tell. :)"

13 years, 7 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
The Many Faces of Amy Winehouse (19 music items)

"They tried to make her go to rehab, she said no no no...OOPS!"

13 years, 7 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
The many faces of Gary Oldman (28 movies items)

"Thanks so much! Shaun, they are both added, with a little recent animation put up there as well!"

13 years, 7 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Few things I love about cinema (39 movies items)

"Wow. This one is definitely amazing! I feel like I just watched one of those all encompassing ads for the age of cinema that appear before the feature in a movie theatre!"

13 years, 7 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
Movie Inspired Tattoos (45 movies items)

"Wow. A list dedicated to crazy people with too much time and money...and this time its not about celebrities!"

13 years, 8 months ago
sleepless101 commented on a list
30 days of books (36 books items)

"Reading! God I love readers. I'm afraid to do my own because it would show how incrediby unliterary I am. You get the vote for being so though!"

13 years, 8 months ago

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Posted: 8 years ago at Feb 8 16:46
Hi please check my list
and tell me your 10 favorite tv shows!
Posted: 12 years, 11 months ago at Mar 23 17:53
Thanks for the vote and the comment on my obnoxious characters list. :)
Glad you liked it... :)
Posted: 13 years ago at Mar 1 2:44
Thanks for the list votes.
Posted: 13 years, 4 months ago at Oct 16 11:59
Thanks for voting!
Posted: 13 years, 4 months ago at Oct 15 15:39
Thanks for the 'Vengeful' list vote!
Posted: 13 years, 5 months ago at Sep 12 16:32
Thanks for voting my Chain Reaction list! :)
Posted: 13 years, 6 months ago at Sep 4 18:05
thanks for the vote n_n xox!
Posted: 13 years, 6 months ago at Aug 27 8:28
Thanks for the list vote! :D
Posted: 13 years, 6 months ago at Aug 15 21:14
No problem and who knows you might see a few more review votes in the future. I try to link to Listal reviews on my lists when I can. So... I posted a link to your review on my 2009 Horror list.... yay!

Oh, and glad to see that I wasn't the only one who disliked "Taken"...
Posted: 13 years, 7 months ago at Aug 7 14:12
Check This Out:-My Little Ponies 2
Posted: 13 years, 7 months ago at Aug 3 22:46
Thanks for voting my Facial Expressions list!
Posted: 13 years, 7 months ago at Aug 3 11:12
Thanks for the List vote :D
Posted: 13 years, 7 months ago at Jul 31 10:14
Many thanks for the Vote :D
Posted: 13 years, 7 months ago at Jul 27 18:28
Hey, thanks for your Commet .. How did u know??! hahahahaa
Posted: 13 years, 7 months ago at Jul 27 17:25
Thanks for voting :)
Posted: 13 years, 7 months ago at Jul 25 13:27
Many thanks for the votes!:D
Posted: 13 years, 7 months ago at Jul 11 16:44
Thanks for the vote and the awesome comment! Yeah, I'm really proud of this list, literally put my heart in it.
Posted: 13 years, 8 months ago at Jul 10 19:59
oh you are most welcome :D And don't worry I'm also replying pretty late since I only came back today ;)
Also I'd like to thank you for your vote and comment :D
Posted: 13 years, 8 months ago at Jul 5 2:16
Thanks for the vote and com(pli)ments on my 30 days of books list! I've always loved reading, so it was cool to put together. Hope one day you decide to make your own. :)
Posted: 13 years, 8 months ago at Jul 4 2:29
No problem! ^_^